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Symantec Healthcare

About Us

Our parent company Hufort Healthcare, which was started in 2005, was the dream project of an exemplary human being Late Shri Girdhar Kasat ji.

Symantec Healthcare Pvt Ltd was formed in 2019 with the pure intention of safeguarding the legacy of Late Shri Girdhar Kasat ji and protecting the brands he had nurtured over the years. Other major intention also was to protect the interest of people who had been associated with the company since long and to infuse a new vigour and ideas in the company


With the purpose driven approach, empower all our colleagues & stakeholders to make Symantec a preferred choice to collaborate and grow together. Symantec’s philosophy is care, share and play fair and we want to dedicate ourselves for the welfare, upliftment, meaningful lives of Symantecarians and everyone associated with us


Symantec seeks to enhance the lives of people we serve. We aim to bring together dynamic team who are compassionate problem solvers and act as a catalyst and can challenge the status quo.

Who we are

We are an Employee first organization. Our belief system lies in the fact that “Human potential is the most valuable asset for a Company to grow the business”.

Our Philosophy – Organize the senses

What is within us is more important than what is with us

Focused approach makes you ARJUN

Discipline is the essence of Life

Knowledge is power that boosts confidence & gives positive result

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Delivering tomorrow’s Healthcare for your family. View Doctor’s Timetable

Medical & General Care!

Amazing Services

Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human

Delivering tomorrow’s Healthcare for your family. View Doctor’s Timetable

Medical & General Care!

Meet Our Doctors

Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human


Years Of Experience


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Happy Customers

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We are continuously evolving ourselves and aspire to establish the organization as one of the preferred partners for both internal and external stakeholders i.e our Employees, Customer & Consumer by developing trust & transparency as pillar of strength.

Core Strengths

  • Empathy
  • Agility
  • Trust & Transparency
  • Integrity & Ownership

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Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human

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We love our Brands

Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources. Distinctively impact proactive human capital rather than client-centered benefits.